From the beginning Luana's has always been a story of a boys life from Glendale, Arizona. Told through the form of a coffee shop. Aaron Schofield grew up in a multi cultural family with Mexican and Hawaiian roots. Witnessing everything from the neighborhood elote man hustling on the streets, to his nana trading tortillas for beans with the neighbors. Starring up at his tutu Luana sing him to sleep with her ukulele for early afternoons naps on summer days. Holding his father's hand as they step into America west arena to watch Barkeley bout with Jordan. All while the sounds of midwest emo play in the background of his teenage years, and all its loves, losses, friendships and catastrophes. After high school and just enough college to know it wasn't for him, Aaron found himself working in the corporate sales world, unable to shake the thought of someday working on something much bigger than a paycheck. Something that let him show the rest of the world where he came from. Who he is as an artist and a business man. After alot self discovery and attempts at breaking free to be on his own. Aaron finally found coffee as the possible escape while vacationing on rainy day in a cafe on a corner in Philadelphia . Then taking a job at a local coffee shop to learn from one of his old high school friends Kyle Hodge whose family owned a cafe in downtown Phoenix. It was there that it all began to make sense. Aaron sold everything from his soul to his car to afford this new venture into coffee. Purchasing his first espresso machine a year later, then with the help of his father and some seriously frustrating and lonely nights in his backyard he was able to finally create the first concept of Luana's coffee, with an old trailer he'd purchased and re-imagined into a mobile coffee cart. Luana's hit streets and a future Phoenix staple was born. Luana's had instant success but also plenty of obstacles that hindered it from becoming what it is today. Until one day a small Korean girl came to visit a friend and enjoy a coffee, catching Aaron's attention with her almond shaped eyes and adorable laugh. The two quickly fell in love, and Kylee began to care not only for Aaron but his dream of one day opening a full fledged coffee shop. With her help and many other friends and families, Luana's finally got over its hump. Opening its first brick and mortar location in the same old house Aaron had learned how to make coffee in just 2 years prior by his late friend Kyle after his long fought battle with cancer. Luana's is and always will be a place for anyone to discover who they are through conversations with best friends or strangers, through journal entries, books, or the eyes their latest crush. It's no longer one boys story. It never actually was.